
(SPONSORED) Faungso Shimphrui

Born: Class VII

With due respect and honor, I the undersigned would like to beg a prayer for my youngest son Faungso who is studying in class VII at the Blessings School. I and my wife are doing our best to give our children education. All five children are in different schools. We thought of admitting at a government school but it will be same as not going to school. Because of our helplessness, two of our children dropped their studies. The remaining three children are at different schools. Honestly we beg you to help our youngest son in his studies. We want him to study and fulfil our dreams. We will do all that we are able to do. Let the Lord have pity upon us and may He open a way for you to help our son and many others who need help as we do. We are praying for you.
Yours Sincerely,
Theimi Shimphrui (Father)
Naoshimla (Mother)

Yeasom Village
Class VII

A young man in a tie and shirt standing next to bushes.