
(SPONSORED) Livingson Shagolshem

Born: Class VIII

I am writing this letter to you and asking sponsorship for Livingson (Hindu), Class VIII. He is a child of Mr. Sobachandra and Mrs. Chonchon who are daily laborers. The mother is from a Christian background but now she is subjected to her husband’s religion. They are happy to send their children to the Blessings Academy School. We teach them the Bible, prayer, and about the Savior at the same time we educate them. Your help will mean a lot for them and us to accomplish the goal of this mission and school.

To give them an education the family faces certain challenges of financial constraints. Your financial support will mean a lot to help educate the children and help them reach their full potential and expand their knowledge. We ask you to please kindly grant our request and look forward to hearing a positive result. Thanking you in anticipation.

A young man wearing a tie and shirt.