(GRADUATED) Thotmayo
Dear Sponsor, with love and respect, we would like to share a short testimony of our family. God unite us to be a husband and wife last 20 years and we were blessed with four children. Unfortunately, we are both uneducated and unemployed. Whatever we could do to earn in the village, we are doing it and trying our best to educate our children. We are thankful to our God for using all of you to set up a school in Yeasom village. Our sons are admitted in the school and they are doing good. We are glad to see our children smile and learn in the school. We hope and pray that the Lord will bless your ministry as you extend help to many poor parents like us. (with love: Mr. Khareso and Phungshimla)
Class: VI
Village: Lungdoram
Other info: 11 years old, Christian, parents alive, three brothers, two are at Blessings Academy (Wungthemshang class VII, Yersingboy class IV) poor family, living hand to mouth, good in studies.