(SPONSORED) Tunreithing Mungshang
Born: Class VIII
From Principal at Blessings Academy:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I write this letter on behalf of Shangchuipam and Tunreithing. The read in Class VII and Class VIII. The brothers read and write well and are good in their studies. But the family is weak in financial condition and because of this it weighs heavily on them and their studies. I would be extremely grateful if someone could extent financial support by sponsoring them so they build upon their career and at the same time go to school without worry.
The condition of the villages in this area are all under the poverty line and everyone are daily wage earners and trying to give education to our children. The mother of Shangchuipam and Tuneithing left them when they were young without seeing their bright future. Please pray for them since they need support for their studies.