
(SPONSORED) Wungshangting

Born: Class V

Dear Sponsor, I am unemployed and a poor cultivator. I and my wife work in the field and earn our living. Due to our low income, we have not been able to pay the school fees of ur son Wungshangting. Honestly, we tried our best but we could not afford to bear expenses for his education. However, we pray that the Lord will bring someone to help us and we are thankful that you have come forward to help our son. May the Lord continue to help you to help may more poor people like us. Sincerely, Reuben

Class: V
Father: Reuben
Mother: Homimwon
Village: Yeasom

Other info: 10 years old, Christian, parents alive but poor, two sisters (older one graduated from Blessings Academy).

A young boy wearing a tie and standing in front of a building.