(SPONSORED) Ramsing Siro
Born: Class IX
With greetings and blessings from the Lord, I write this letter of seeking help to you for my child’s education. As a widow and daily wages earner I do not have any hope to give good education to my children. However, with much faith and prayer I admitted my child in Blessings Academy wanting to see my child growing in the ways of God. Yet, I have no hope to help and support the studies. Therefore I seek your consideration in helping my child get the best education he can through your valuable helping hands. And I pray that the Lord will greatly reward your ministry.
In Christ
Class: IX
Father: Gaikhanring (deceased)
Mother: Reimila
Village: Rishophung
Other info: 15 years old, father deceased, mother working as cultivator, two younger brothers and one older sister.